Saturday, March 7, 2015

Week 25 Recap

This week Mommy had to start her antiviral / supplements - and as expected things felt worse but that's a good sign, we think!  The winning theory is that we are killing the viruses/whatever is attacking my body and we believe that this pain I'm feeling is weakness leaving me.   We pushed through another week with lots of snuggles, down time and Raymond doing his work independently which is a great thing.  

Here is Annabelle's drawing she is most proud of from the week.  She said, "This is me and Papa at Disney going to the race cars".   What a memory!  Our first day at Disney she road the speedway with Pa. 

We are finishing up the book on God's names so now we started to read the Message Kids Bible.    Part of me was doubting the way I have been teaching about the Bible/Jesus because I don't read from the full version of the Bible and let them hear the full scriptures. We only read kids' Bibles & Devos, but I don't feel the nudge to change what we are doing yet.  More studying and reading the full scripture will come eventually -  especially when the girls are elementary age.  For now,  in this "introduction" stage of their relationship with Jesus - I am okay with what we do.  Hearing how God makes them feel when I ask and hearing what they believe about Him encourages me.  So I just have to embrace the stage we are in,  be patient and keep praying!  I believe God is wooing them for sure and I know He will lead us as we lead them!! :)  

In the Message for Kids, we are on the story of Moses which is great since that is what we are learning in BSF.  We discussed the plagues and Pharaoh's hard (Frozen) heart.  They drew an illustration for each plague.  Here is Evelyn's first 9. 

And Raymond's first 9 Plagues. 

In History, we are learning about the start of the United States which fit perfectly with the Cubscout Assignment, "What makes America special"

The girls have learned Red Light Green Light :) for indoor rainy days

But then finally finally finally it was warm and sunny and the windows were opened!! :) After spending numerous days in PJ's only to change for bathtime, we were so happy to get dressed, make beds and get outside.  They were outside before 8:30 one day and stayed out ALL day! 

We had such a great park playdate with the homeschool group.  20+ moms and all the kiddos - it was great!  (Francine drove us since B had to take my car to Durham) 

It was so great to let RR do his school work outside at the end of the week.  He really doesn't need me at this point to do any teaching so I just come into play in the afternoons for history, science, art, music and reading any other "extras".   

I really have not taught them well enough to put things away when they are done with them :( BUT I am thankful that when they see Mommy is TOTALLY overwhelmed, they are compassionate and understanding and try their best to clean.  Here is our before & after!

Co Op was really good this week too.  RR had a much better attitude than last time!  And he learned a lot about ports, pirates & sea turtles which was his fave.  

We just got home from the Pinewood Derby.  Uncle Jim and Daddy were a great help this year and RR got his first trophy! (3rd in his den).  He won his first race of the day! and he was so excited, jumping up and down - so for that moment, all the work was worth it. 

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