Saturday, October 18, 2014

Week # 8 - Recap


I may have to start writing blogs as things come up and by topic instead of weekly!!    There's so many lessons I want to remember & capture.  God teaches me often as I teach. And He parents me through my parenting!    

I've noticed the past few weeks I've felt pretty blugh.   I am being lead by feelings instead of by truthful encouraging thoughts.  So I've been continually asking myself... what is going on with me??   Is it my diet?  Lack of good rest?  Facebook detoxing?  Still trying to adjust to all these new changes?   Is it something I'm doing wrong the Lord wants me to change?   Maybe I'm just super spoiled.   The answer I've come up with is Yes. :)  A little bit of all that combined.  I needed to change back my diet of some things I've let creep in.  I need to rest more.  I am having FBook withdrawals & need to get connected in real life with others.  And I am spoiled (but God is gracious & merciful and is changing me!).   This is a harder season than usual with Brandon in school & work both.    I don't like not having family time at night.  I don't like having to fall asleep by myself and not having Mommy & Daddy time tonight.   But all these "problems" I have - are so first world problems. I know that in my head so why can't I tell it to my spirit some days?   Well I simply needed God to come to my rescue and lift up my eyes & my heart. I needed a perspective change.   

And as He loves to do... He answered my cries for help!  He really lifted my perspective!   
  • 1st - My BSF study & group discussions.  It is always EXACTLY perfect with what is going on with my life.  Powerful things happen when His people interact with His Words!!   Theme:  Trust & Obey.  
  • 2nd -  I picked back up Jesus Calling that I had not been reading this month and I really felt God used it as He always seems to.   It always reminds me: "Abide.  Focus on me.  Pleasing ME.  Do all things for ME not for accolades.  Focus on my presence.  that's the purpose in today. To be with me, serve me, live for me"     It really lifted my Spirit.    When I find myself feeling "bored" or dull..... it's usually because I'm not focused on His presence and doing all things for Him.  Then, I start looking for other feedback, things to do, affirmation, excitement, etc. etc.  (hence Facebook withdrawal gets worse & I miss Brandon & interactions much more).  And oh my goodness --- I find it merely IMPOSSIBLE to clean the house, do dishes, do regular housework when I am not doing it for the Lord.   What's the point of anything? :)
  • The 3rd perspective lifter was from Jennifer Rotschild's Self Talk Soul Talk. Yes Yes Yes!  I gotta give my mind to the Lord and His truth more more more! I am getting back into marinating in and memorizing His Word!  I can not let my mind be idle.  It's trouble!! I have such a sensitive mind.  I must keep it filled with truth.  
  • The 4th and final perspective lifter that totally changed me this week was when I was parenting the kiddos.  They were all having a loud tantrum at the same time because I took away something they wanted.   After they calmed and would listen, I found myself saying something like, "don't you all trust me?  Don't you all believe that I know what is best for you?  Don't you believe that Mommy wants you to have fun and be happy.  You all think that to be happy, you have to get exactly what YOU want, but that isn't true!  That's a lie!   Happiness is a choice. Stop and be still.   Trust that I will give you so many chances for joy and happiness.  I want what is best for you and I love you so much.  Trust me!"    As soon as the words finished coming out of my mouth, the Spirit about knocked me to my knees.  The Lord had spoken through my mouth words that my soul needed to hear.   I thought I was parenting the kiddos --- but God was parenting me!!   This was exactly what I needed to hear!!!  It lifted my perspective so much!  I realized I had been closing some doors in my heart to the Lord.  I didn't even know I was at the time!  I had begun to close off some doors because I want things the way I want them.  And I begin to doubt when things aren't going as I thought they would.  Expectations hurt, ouch!   And when the doors of our hearts are closed.... His light can't get in and we get cold.  Harder. Frozen.  Oh my goodness, I love Frozen parallels!! :)   I needed to throw open all doors of my heart and TRUST and OBEY.   This lesson fit in perfectly with BSF and Pharaoh's hard heart this week.  
God is the perfect Teacher!!  He teaches me through parenting more than anything!!!! He really is my Father and He wants me to trust Him! He wants me to trust that He is GOOD.  He is LOVING. He wants what is BEST and He sees what I can't see!!    Ultimately, I really don't know what I want!!  I think I do - but I don't.  HE knows what I want more than I do!! :) and when I delight in HIM - HE will give me the desires of my heart.  I don't have to get what *I* want to be "happy".  It's a lie!!   And what I truly deep down want more than anything is love, acceptance, purpose, satisfaction.    Not approval, popularity or even "success".  He knows what I want. And He is a Father who lavishes.   


RR is continuing on with our study of Moses and his work in handwriting, spelling, math (doing division with remainders right now), writing letters, and for history we are wrapping up our Ancient Rome study with a ton of library books.  For history, we will soon move onto the Vikings & then explorers of America.   I haven't done a good job planning science out so we end up doing science things at least twice a week but it's sporadic.   This is the area I need to do better in for the second 9 weeks of school.  He loves science!! I gotta figure out a lesson plan here.   Our science book that came with our curriculum just isn't what I want.  So I will sit down and make my own topics and then out experiments that go along with it. I have a TON of books & resources one experiments.  Just gotta get organized!

We've had a lot of outside time this week!   We are also still reading that exercise book I mentioned (found it for 25 cents at one of the library sales). It looks like it was an old text book. The information in it is great!!  Same book we used for "stamina" last week... we learned more about fitness and why it's good for you.  I definitely think my kids have the exercise thing down pat!!! :)   

Evelyn and Annabelle are riding their big girl bikes so well!  And Evelyn rode without her training wheels.  I cried as I watched Brandon right there with her.  Encouraging her so she would have courage.  Steering her back when she was wobbly.  Catching her when she fell and even letting her fall in a controlled way when she needed to learn that.  He is such a good Daddy and it was to me such a perfect picture of how my Heavenly Father parents me.  


For cubscouts, the boys got to go to the nature park and hang up their bird feeders on the "cubscout tree" there.  We took a little walk and they presented their posters they had done on animals and habitats.  Raymond had read about purple martins and made a poster about them.  

Here's something he never did at school.  Division war in your underwear!!! :) hehehehe

And Annabelle & Raymond are learning to communicate & play alongside each other so much better!!  Raymond has been using his design/engineering skills to put together some new tracks this week.

This beautiful thing actually dribbles pretty good!!  I am impressed.

Friday morning was our last day of school for a week and the kids were SO PUMPED that they came to the table super early and they got ALL their desk work done for the day in an hour.  We were done with the day's schedule at 8:30 am. lol!     Wow!!  Good to know that Raymond can do a lot more work than I've been giving him!!  He has apparently been stretching out his time WAAAAYY too much in the morning! :)

Cutie pies reading the "h" book together.  I love that Raymond can read!!  Evelyn is getting there too.  But it really is nice when he can read to them...and it gives me an extra 15 minutes to get my act together.   We finished the Swiss Family Robinson and so we let them watch the Disney version of the story!  RR seemed to like the book & movie both.

I'm sure Raymond's favorite lessons of the week were getting to learn about and see this B-17.  The flying fortress.   Made during the 1940's.   It was parked at Oak Island this weekend so Papa took him.  RR really seemed to enjoy it a lot. He had lots of big smiles!!!  That was a really cool piece of history to see....and even see it take off/fly. Very cool!  


Saturday, October 11, 2014

Week # 7 Recap

The temperature dipped into the 50s one night and morning :) but we were back up in the 80s by Tuesday. Raymond was hilarious this morning saying he was so cold he had to work in a jacket.

Thanks to Khan Academy & lots of practice, Raymond is enjoying math SOO much more!   He loves the feedback on Khan Academy with racking up points/earning rewards.   It has sucked him in good haha. He will even ask if he can do more and ask to move onto new topics just so he can earn more points.  Eventually, I hope to teach him that these skills are what is most important and learning itself is the reward....but whatever! :)  We have time for deeper lessons.

For Bible time, we are enjoying the BSF take home training lessons each morning.  God speaks to us through the Bible - He is alive & these stories are so relevant and applicable to our lives!

We are still learning about Ancient Rome for history.  We found some really great books at our library trip this week.  I don't remember learning ANY of these things. I am enjoying so much re-learning all of this.  It's amazing to see the influence of ancient culture on us still today!!

For science we are still doing experiments with liquids/density.  We made our own "lava lamp" and did experiment with pepper/water/soap to talk about water being charged & the differences in oil & water.  I need to do more science with them!!!   I have plenty of resources & ideas...just have to do a better job of setting aside time and being okay with the mess of it all :)

When we went to the library, the 4H club was out there promoting 4H and building rockets with children.  Raymond loved it! His rocket got closer to the landing ring than anybody's I saw.  I can see him being an engineer.  Or a Disney imagineer :)   I love how God added in some science for me since I knew I wasn't doing enough   To build the rocket itself, it took creativity & imagination & engineering.  Then for launch he had to experiment, do math/angles/geometry, observations of wind direction, then study the results & figure out what was going wrong with the positioning, angle, force the rocket itself....then make adjustments & observe/record results again. It was a good day.

For art, we did recycle art, one of his faves.  He chose to make a factory.  I am not sure what the factory made....but he loaded whatever it was onto his recycle art trucks he had already made.  

Next, we started working on recognizing foreground, middle ground, background.  He is working on his first picture with a noticeable foreground, middle & back.  He seemed excited to have this new dimension to work with and not just linear height & weight.  Yay for depth :)  hehe

I really can see Raymond becoming an architect some day.  I will have to save this pic.  He said he wanted to create a place for the Church to gather and sing to Jesus but still be outside.  I thought it was a beautiful & symbolic design.  :)

Lots of soccer practicing this week to get outside and get some exercise in the beautiful weather.  I also know it's hard to take direction all day long and I don't want to be a control freak (which I can be sometimes!) so I am really working hard at giving Raymond freedom in each day.  He landscaped the backyard, cleared out more of the area under our "canopy".... put one of our tables in the shade....and made sure to do some climbing, too.  Love seeing him be able to get outside during the day and just GO and explore and climb!!   Evelyn & Annabelle helped me move some plants this week and they have been good helpers watering each day.

The next morning after clearing out the yard... Raymond asked if they could do their desk work outside. Yes yes yes, please!!  This was great for all of us! :)  I stayed inside and had some quiet since I've been struggling to get up before the kids get up each morning!!!

We are learning about each instrument in the orchestra for music - through Khan Academy.  We did the harp this week.  It really is an amazing instrument!!  Wow!  

I can't believe week 7 is over!

My favorite moment of the week was cuddling in Annabelle's bed with all 3 of my babies as I read them a classic! :)  We are reading Swiss Family Robinson together.  I loved that moment.  They were all interested & being attentive.  Annabelle fell asleep with her head on my shoulder as I read.   I really don't think I like Brandon's schedule right now working 3 to 11pm --- but moments like that where the 4 of us are snuggled in and peaceful reading a good book really help me endure!

I certainly can get easily tired and lack joy easily because of the extra burdens on me right now with Brandon's new schedule & MBA.  But, I can not complain. I have to stop throwing pity parties!!  I have SO MUCH to be thankful for!! I am so spoiled.

I am trying hard to learn from the to just BE in the moment.  How to LAUGH and be HAPPY.  The girls were so especially cute & sweet this week and that makes things so much better & easier.

I love their ages right now so much. I feel like God has given me a fresh boost of love...He loves to answer that prayer!! "God help me love them more. Fill me with more love!!"   I want to just snuggle with them and get all the hugs & kisses I want.  I am disgusted that I'm often cranky and just try to get through the day.  There is no reason to act like that!!!  I don't know why I behave like that.  Distracted. Unthankful. Not present.  I know God is going to help me get back to being present & focused & HERE.   Getting off Facebook was a beautiful leap in that direction.  They are growing up so fast.  I can't believe my BABY is gonna be 3.  

When I look at the family dynamics, Raymond got a lot of attention these first 7 weeks.  I really felt I needed to get a rhythm down and to make sure he was under my 'reins'... I feel like God did those things!!  We are bonded & in a good groove so I feel like I can relax and look at the bigger picture more and just LOVE LOVE LOVE.  

The girls have been SOO patient and God is gonna help me give more time & affection to them and I'm so thankful for that!!    I want to enjoy them!! I want to laugh with them and not worry about messes and not be distracted.  I want to be fully present.  It's very hard to do these things when I'm not getting the rests/breaks I'm used to....but I'm trying my best!!  I'm so thankful for His grace.  And MomMom is on her way!!!!

Oh my goodness I love these kiddos so much.  I want to be fully present & enJOY them!! Help me enjoy them Lord!!!

And the week ended beautifully... again.   I appreciate the weekends so much more now than I did.  It really is a time to RELAX and recoup.  I know Brandon is thankful for this change :)