Friday, January 9, 2015

Week # 17 Recap - 1st school week of 2015!

So the first half of our homeschooling yeard... I had been trying to teach Raymond to just go with the flow and follow my lead.   I wanted him to know the blessing of homeschooling and how flexible it could be!!   I didn't want him to have to know exactly all we had to do each day.  I wanted him to be able to just NOT have control and let me be the leader.  However, I came to realize how cruel that was for his personality! As a good leader, I must certainly work with him and work with his personality not against it.  In public school he had the same routine every day and really he just loves routine!  He is like me and just loves a list to check off and accomplish :)   So - I made sure to give him his list, routine & goals for each day on a laminated paper and already I see what a positive difference it has made!  He loves it!  We really had a great goove this week and it's gonna work well for us.  He has been giving me no push back at all regarding his desk work and I love that I don't hear a million times a day, "what next?"...and "what else?" ..and "how much more do we have to today?" 

Why haven't I done this sooner?! :) 

For Christmas Raymond got this cool "math wraps" tool from Learning Express to help on multiplication tables - they are pretty cool!

And he has been having lots of good quality time with MomMom. She always helps them use their imaginations and be creative!  This was a farm with a house behind it and the distirbutors were coming to the farm to get their produce to sell to others.  MomMom is the best!

Raymond has been practicing the piano every day and I love that discipline he is learning.  A little bit each day is how we excel in any area.  

Raymond got a 5 week gift of Tae Kwon Do from a friend and so far he LOVES it.  What a great gift!   He was so adorably cute trying his best and really giving it his whole heart.  He was jumping all over the place, practicing before it was his turn -  I have loved watching him!  

and Daddy B & I both agree that Tae Kwon Do is particularly beneficial as it will help Raymond 
grow in self control, discipline & how to "bow" to authority! :)   

It's been COLD this week and my neck is spasms like crazy again :(  BUT we still were able to enjoy the beautiful nature around us. Look at this beautiful sunset!

And we spotted a pileated woodpecker out back!  so made sure to learn about him.  He was big!  And has been tearing up that dead tree like crazy. 

Whenever my neck is hurting or I'm sick... I LOVE our backyard even more.  I LOVE having "send them" space and I especially love that it's outside space.  We are so thankful for this yard!  Raymond did such a great job raking and blowing the leaves this past week - he loves being outside and as we say - hard work is good for the soul. We gotta keep this boy moving! 

Evelyn is SO close to reading.  She just has to have confidence because she knows all the letters & sounds and can sound words out - now we just have to work on sight words & confidence!  She has read through quite a few little books all on her own - which is so exciting!  I can't wait for her to be able to read fully because I know how much she is going to love it!  It opens up so many new adventures & stories.  She often takes chapter books and finds a quiet corner and "reads" them.  She will sit there for 20 minutes - maybe she is just looking at the letters?  recognizing words? pretending and making up her own?  I'm not sure but it's adorable!

 Annabelle has been doing a lot more painting at the school table then any work and I'm okay with that!  It's been working out good.  SHe is getting such a funny sense of humor - I love hearing her laugh.  and WOW does the 3rd child pick up on things quickly!! 

Our new puzzles from Aunt Roxie are great!  One for letters, one for numbers.  We do an awful lot of puzzles around here. 

And one of my fave memories of the week was when we got girl time on Monday after Raymond finished school work.  We had a surprise party for Cinderella and played with all their princesses.  The girls were SO happy ----- I must always remember how little it takes to make them so happy!  I have to give them more precious "girl time" moments like this every day! 

and on a neck-issues-day this week, I introduced them all to Cool Runnings :)  There were some good lessons in there! 

We ended the week with Co Op and Jessica & Sarah did a great job!  We learned ALL about hurricanes from Sarah and explored life as a settler with Jessica.   There's so much to learn about HUrricanes - we will have to do another unit on that!  Both the mommies/teachers did great and Raymond had fun and was so well behaved.  They got to write with ink/feather pens and he wrote a cute note about Jesus loves us and wrote the girls names too.  So sweet!!  We are thankful for our friends & these mommies! 

We definitely ENDED the week with Co Op because immediately after, Raymond was DONE for the week.  He even took a nap!

 I think the fact that he was that tired means that we had a great, successful, disciplined week!  Yes!   Hard work is good for the soul! and body :)  Now, I hope we have a rest-filled, fun weekend.  Rest is just as important!

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