Starting tomorrow we are getting used to our technology 'boundaries' that we will keep during the school year. Which means today I started back to drinking coffee in the morning. :) I had cut out coffee for a month but I'm pretty sure I need the caffeine now since technology won't be babysitting as much for me to wake up, etc.
One of the most important lessons I am learning over and over again since deciding to homeschool (and becoming a Mom, really) is that every family is so different! Different goals, different strengths, different personalities, different philosophies on parenting and life, different weaknesses. So knowing that -each year, I am getting better at putting on my blinders and just focusing on what works for US. We are figuring out what it means to live in freedom. Accepting who we are and doing what works for OUR family!
I've heard that every weakness is simply our strengths taken to the extreme and that is certainly true with technology for Raymond & me. Raymond & I both have always been tech savvy. My grandma Evelyn passed on her gift at computers/computer logic to us! But because we enjoy technology so much and it comes easy to us - it quickly can become a weakness. With our obsessive personalities, we can easily get sucked in/addicted so easily! I don't want to teach Raymond that technology is "bad". I definitely don't want him to feel guilty for enjoying it!!! I just want to teach him boundaries, priorities, work before play & a good rhythm to daily life!
For whatever reason, Raymond & I both thrive with boundaries (aka "rules") for technology. In some areas, it's just smart to put up boundaries, I guess. Boundaries are a blessing not a burden when you are not legalistic!! It's all about the heart. We are learning to be thankful for boundaries.
It's easier for both of us if we have certain times that technology is completely off limits. When it's completely off limits then it's completely OFF our mind so we don't even have to waste mental space thinking about it or thinking when we can use it again. With technology, I have noticed that if we feel the freedom to use it whenever, it quickly becomes our "default" and that is not okay. The default has to be engaging with God & each other & life around us - not technology When things are our default, they quickly becomes an ALL the time thing on our mind. Boundaries work! :)
I really want to pour into my kiddos & give them my best. I am so excited for this call to homeschool because it will help me pour into them and be so much more intentional each day with giving them my FULL attention. This calling has really helped me re-focus in and know that this ministry I have here as wife & mom IS my top calling & is my full time, unpaid job.
I enjoy Instagram, Facebook, blogs - so I won't deny myself the enjoyment! I just have some new rules to make sure I am engaging with what is MOST important first. I can not believe how much better our family life is when technology is off the mind. I can't believe how much better the kids are when I'm fully engaged and don't have a preoccupied mind!!!
I've been doing great at sticking to my Facebook as my coffee lounge twice a week....
....but the hardest transition this week will be to let go of Instagram during the day. I am a visual person and I LOVE photographer/beauty so much - but now, it will wait until the afternoon/evening. :) There's so much beauty & visuals around me - I don't need to peek in on everybody else's world until I've fully lived and been present in mine.
So for anybody who cares. Here are Mommy's technology boundaries:
- Email, Feedly only after morning time with the Lord before circle up time with kiddos
- Put phone away during teaching times
- Text, phone calls after lunch
- Instagram during afternoon break/evening
- Facebook Tuesday & Friday nights
- Shutterfly/Photo Albums Sundays
Kiddo's technology boundaries:
- TV during afternoon free time
- Computer learning games while Mommy makes dinner
- Kindle / whatever games on Saturday/Sunday afternoons
Good luck on your new journey!! It's going to be great!!