Wednesday, May 20, 2015

1st Year of Homeschooling: COMPLETE!!!!!!!!!! :)

I really wasn't sure when we would be ending the school year - but Raymond took the Woodcock Johnson test yesterday and School.Is.Out for the summer!! :)

We were blown away by his scores!!   I was nervous as I listened to her giving him the test - he is so smart - but did I do enough?  I feel like so much of me was taken away this year.... and I offered so little quality "work".  I am just so amazed when she went over the results with us.  Success for us is truly less about me as a great teacher...and all about God and my prayers and just creating opportunities to learn, a little each day!  Raymond is so gifted.  Sniff sniff.  I thought that was true - but I didn't realize tests would show it!    I give all glory to God.  What a hard year for me (and so good, too).   But God just took care of everything.  Prayers truly are the most important thing I can offer.

The best part of the day yesterday was after we got back in the car from testing, Raymond was SO excited and happy. And as we drove away he says, "now I think we should pray again Mommy this time we should thank God for how well I did".   Oh my heart.  Yes yes yes, Lord.  I see your work in his heart.  THAT moment wanting to thank you and praise you for his success -- priceless, priceless, priceles.  That's what I desire more than anything is that they would honor you, know your love & thank you!! 

God can do the impossible! I thought it was an impossible miracle that God could ever use ME as a homeschool mom!    The success He has allowed this year and all the amazing experiences and bonding are just such a good gift - it's hard to even process.  I'm!!!  God's plan is so so so so good.  So much better than I can imagine.

To top it off Raymond became a Webelo this week.

And Evelyn!!  Evelyn conquered her fear and she went up on stage for Rehearsal!  After crying so hard at pictures and being SO scared and nervous - she did it!  She got up there and LOVED IT!  I cried like a baby as I saw her up there.   I couldn't be more proud of my children.  I get it.  I am that mom.   I'm just proud of what GOD is doing in them!  I'm proud of their hearts. I'm proud when they try their best, give Him thanks and praise and when they grow / conquer fears and hard things.  Oh my goodness. What a month!!!!!

God is so good. 

Friday, May 15, 2015

Week 35 Recap

My sweet babies on Mothers Day

Monday after Mothers Day was GLORIOUS :) It felt like my day was cut in half knowing that Daddy B would be walking in the door at 5:10.  Praise the Lord!  I just FEEL so much lighter, already! 

Daddy is HOME!! :) 

Evelyn finished *another* book.  I can't wait to spend more time 1 on 1 with her this summer.  She is ready for a lot more intentional learning / work. 

Markers always get that boy working hard :) 

Sweet Annabelle.  She always sounds proud when she says, "I finished my school work" in that cute accent.  Her routine now is calendar, letters, scissors and a drawing or craft each day. 

Evelyn's point of view of Annabelle:

Evelyn's point of view of Raymond: 

We had a nice stop in at Chik Fil A after running lots of errands and before we had a trial lesson with the piano teacher.  Raymond did SO great at the piano lesson trial and she was such a great teacher.  

And we were able to stop at Hugh McCrae after the piano!  What a great day! 

We got to hang out with homeschool friends that night at Jessica's - what a day!  

and Friday was so special as we got to do the Water Walk in the Park that I had planned for WorldVision with Kelly.  We had 3 children sponsored through the event and then posting about it.  Again, just blown away by how God uses the imperfect and willing.  He is truly the one who gets all the glory!  I think this event was a blessing to anybody who was able to come and I loved getting to plant seeds of compassion in the kiddos that came.  It was a great event to stretch me and get me OUT and to get Brandon & I excited and dreaming again. 

We are reading in Matthew as a family and did the Lord's Prayer this week.  Raymond has been reading SO SO SO much - I LOVE SEEING THAT SO MUCH!! We are also reading Narnia together - it's amazing how much he loves it.  Still lots of adverbs, articles, adjective work for English.  Fractions and averaging in Math.  We did swim lessons on Wednesday and they LOVE THAT!   Tae Kwon Do. Piano practice.  It's all good and moving along. Not sure when we will stop for the summer but we will definitely continue "light" school all summer.  

Friday, May 8, 2015

Week 34 Recap


But first - we had other fun things, too!  The kids LOVED the roller rink (for Ashlyn's birthday) and I was really impressed at how well they did! 

We started off the work week working hard and then playing hard at the beach.  The kiddos are still learning to carry their own things like last year -  which is an important lesson! 

Raymond really did a great job on his work this week.  Adjectives / Adverbs were the main topics for English.  Mixed Numbers / Fraction work in Math.  Reading Revere together for History.  On Wednesday I had my last day of BSF - and the kiddos went to Aricka's.  While they were there Olivia got a terrible cut while riding her bike.  I was very proud of Raymond because Aricka said he was a great friend and went into Superhero mode with Manny and went and got the neighbor for help. He was so compassionate about it and really didn't want to talk about it - it really impacted him.  What a sweet heart. 

We had a really fun homeschool playdate at Town Creek.  



Friday, May 1, 2015

Week 33 Recap

Annabelle is having potty success, yay!! So we all get a tea party.  That's the big news of our week haha.  Evelyn's laugh was priceless.  

Unfortunately - we had some good lessons in vertebra/discs/spine/spinal cord as the MRI revealed 2 herniated discs in my neck.  But thank God MomMom and Pa were here for the weekend before I was able to get into the Nuerosuregon Tuesday. 

Before they left, Pa & Raymond had a really great bike ride adventure. 

So the girls got some special time.  Annabelle wanted to walk around in a beautiful dress & umbrella & boots ---  great!   Whatever makes you happy :) 

We went to the Ferry / Aquarium and really enjoyed that together. 

The birds were hilarious!  and of course loved Nature Boy. 

I learn something new every time I go there from the people at the feeding tank - these creatures are so fun!  We learned about anadromous fish - fish like the striped bass who are born in freshwater - head to salt water and then come back to fresh water to spawn. 

and Shelldon was at the window spot instead of the corner!  Raymond got a real up close and personal with him!  That was great. 

To get Annabelle some fine motor work, we found these beads and pipe cleaners given to us.  

And they each made me a bracelet and it really helped me so much as I faced the nuerosurgeon / neurologist / etc. 

This was our SO SO SO HAPPY thrilled time after the Nuerosurgeon said no surgery! and nuerologist agreed to look at infectious disease. It felt like the Lord was just giving me another chance at life and I want to live it well and JUST BE ME!! and cherish and love my babies so good. 

It felt SO GOOD to get back to the desk and pour into the kiddos.  It seems like the enemy wanted to really distract me from teaching.... discourage me in the me out of it before.... but God uses ALL for good and it's just strengthening me!  I see Him using it and I believe that THIS is my ministry - my children!  Right here is where I am called.  I am THRILLED. 

P.E. brought to us this week by the Town of Leland :) 

Scissor Work: 

Working on her letters: 

Getting it done: 

And after staying with Rochelle for my neurologist that morning --- the kids were then able to go to Aricka's for night so we could go to the MBA dinner.  It was a great ending to the week.  the MBA MIA program is almost over!!!!! 

I'm just SO THANKFUL and just praise God for all He has taken care of.  I AM SO THANKFUL my neck isn't worse.  So thankful that I am catching all this before it gets really bad.  I'm so thankful for His protection.  So thankful for homeschooling and the SLOW PACE it has allowed me to have.  

I want to spend my life living for Jesus!  To do ALL I CAN to HONOR and proclaim HIS NAME. and SERVE HIM and serve my family and LOVE well.  Help me be the best ME I can be Lord!!