Friday, April 24, 2015

Week 32 Recap

Evelyn got this craft for her birthday and it was great!  

Raymond had to get his orthodontics started this week so we played dentist a lot :) 

and I caught a YELLOW belted cutie pie! Great job RR! 

The Lowes truck provided entertainment one slow morning

and we got to our happy place!!

MomMom and the babies

And this guy!  We couldn't believe he wasn't a log.  (MomMom was famous for posting on Facebook)

Night time snuggles all 5 !! Pretty soon Daddy will be here ALL the time at night! :) 

PA came!!  

RR headed to soccer practice 

Learning the importance of eating your veggies. 

 Raymond got the chance to go golfing with Pa on Friday (homeschooling rocks!!) 

The rose bush is blooming! 

And sweet sweet Evelyn is doing so great at dance - look at that point! :) 

It was a great, fun week.  No intense desk work is being done - but Raymond IS getting done what he needs to.  I had my MRI today - so the kids were able to see me confront my fears and worries and were very faithful and loving to pray for me and take care of me.  I hope I am being a good example to them of running to God in all my worries & problems. 

I guess one of the highights of the week was at the breakfast table when I told the story of HumHer the Hummingbird and it got them inspired to look up more info on hummingbirds.  We found a really cool video on how hummingbirds sleep - very interesting! 

Homeschooling is THE BEST and we LOVE how flexible it is.  We can have visitors and rearrange around that, enjoy nice weather, do school work at different times in the day.   Raymond almost always does his math pages, language review page, Grammar & Spelling books every day.  It really doesn't take long and when he just sits down and does it - I am surprised at how fast it goes.  The science / history we have just been learning as we live - we will do a lot more with that next year.  

Friday, April 17, 2015

Week 31 Recap

The girls really bonded even more while RR was away and they have been too cute & sweet.  Evelyn is such a great big sister and Annabelle brings a lot of laughter to Evie's life! :)

The boys got out the skate board again and I was impressed at how good RR was doing!  

Keira handed down skates to Evelyn and E was SOO excited to try them out. 

She is trying hard with her sight words & letters. We have SO MANY different kinds of books trying to get her to read read read. 

And Annabelle is right there beside E doing whatever E does.   

I've had lots of doctors appointments recently but I'm so thankful I'm getting answers!  God's timing and care have been perfect as always. 

And the best best best best best thing we have done probably all year happened this week!   Brandon is home in the mornings now!!!! :)  and each morning we have been reading the Bible together as a family.  Oh my goodness this is the best ever.  It starts the day off so right - bonds us and really gives us the right perspective in the day.  I hope we can continue this forever.  So excited for what new schedules will do for our family in the upcoming weeks!  3 more weeks of Daddy school!!!

Some of the most interesting things of the week were learning about the Mayfly, watching the flowers bloom, and Raymond's TKD test to become a yellow belt!  He did so great! 

The kids are getting SO MUCH better at eating out.  Japanese seems to be the fave of the majority :)  Everybody eats at least SOMEthing and loves to be rewarded with the Japanese soda haha. 

And Raymond & Daddy get to go camping with cubscouts this weekend so MomMom & kiddos had a ball (yeah right lol) trying out the new tent. 

We scheduled Raymond's end of the year testing for May 19th with Woodcock Johnson instead of the CAT.  I really believe he is right on track and so smart so I am not worried at all.  I am excited to see what the test results will show and if it will give me discernment for curriculum for next year and how to encourage his strengths!  

Friday, April 10, 2015

RR Goes to Washington

MomMom & Papa took RR to DC again this year with Christian & Hunter

 And we got together working on a big surprise right away! :) 

The kids really did miss each other a lot!! :)   And were back to their happy shenanigans right away

Friday, April 3, 2015

Week 29 Recap

The 3 cuties enjoyed celebrating Evelyn's 5th birthday!  Can't believe she is 5!! 

Raymond hung along with all the girls and we all had a great time at Cinderella & then Froyo. 

Raymond & Evelyn got their hair cut.  It looks great!

And we got to take a learning day to the Aquarium! 

With a detour to the grand opening at the Carolina Beach boardwalk.  Evelyn was the first child to drop her ice cream cone on the new boardwalk. :)

It really is hard to believe she is 5.  She is so smart, caring, creative and loves to take her time and do things well.  She really expresses herself well through dance and I love watching her "feel" the music!  :)  She insists she wants to be a ballerina for Jesus when she grows up. 

At learning express we found this cool pillow craft she was able to do. 

And after watching Brave numerous times this week, we were able to use Amazon Prime and get her bow & arrow just in time for her birthday! 

All 3 had a well check at the doctor.   Thank God we haven't had to go to the doctor in over a year so they were all over due! :)   All of them did well.  Evelyn had a hard time at the end of the eye part and then Annabelle copied her but other than that it went well.  I was wrong and it was actually Evelyn who needed all the shots - woops!  But she handled it well and Annabelle was relieved it wasn't her. 

MomMom & I took the girls to a park after we ran errands - and I believe it was a turning point day for all of us.  Raymond clearly has missed his Daddy the past year of MBA, wacky schedules, etc.  He has really shown some terrible attitude & misbehavior the past couple of weeks.  RR stayed home with Daddy that morning and I believe B felt a new call in his heart to get RR under his wing and really make some changes.  Great times are ahead for our family and I'm so thankful for God's grace in our weaknesses and that He can use all things for good. 

This week,  Mommy & Daddy got a date night (the Leland Adult egg hunt!) and the kiddos had a sleepover with MomMom! 

So what did we actually learn this week?   How to celebrate life and celebrate a sister! :)   Raymond finished Revere Pilgrims and took a quiz I found online and showed great comprehension!  He is still learning fractions and doing a good job practicing piano daily.  At cubscouts, we finally made a meeting and he got his bear badge.   It was a quiet week for "book work" but a very full week of opportunities to learn as we were out and about.