Like I talked about last week - Mommy seems to be breaking our DREAM Academy "rules" and the values we are working on more than anybody. I guess the hardest thing about homeschooling so far is having to come face to face with parts of myself I easily covered up when I was only home with a 3 & 1 year old all day. 3 & 1 year old little girls who were very compliant and desiring to follow & please me. :)
I actually knew this is what God was planning :) I wrote and spoke about it clearly.....God had some deeper work to be done in me that I could only learn by homeschooling. Raymond needed to come home so that Mommy could be sharpened by him more hours, every day.
Our Father has really been working on me to be kind to myself & have grace for myself. But being kind to myself doesn't mean I ignore conviction & correction. It does not mean that I don't hunger for righteousness & godliness and feel remorseful when I fall short. Actually, because I know Grace & Kindness, that is why I CAN accept conviction & correction. Because I know Grace Himself, that is why I hunger to be like Him more.
I have been grumpy, whiny, unthankful, impatient and just quite frankly depresssed acting but there is absolutely no reason to be. Everything is GREAT. I have SO MUCH to be thankful for but I am BLUGH. I do not feel like loving or serving. I do not feel grace. I don't feel like doing much of anything. I am finding myself to act selfish more than selfless. Worried more about my plans than my children's needs.
In situations where I was gentle just weeks ago, I now feel angry & harsh. Where I was peaceful I feel annoyed now. Where I was God-fearing I am now more worried about what others around me are thinking. Where I was Spirit lead I feel so much flesh and out.of.control. I'm making rash, ridiculous mistakes. I'M OFF. Wow yes that is some serious yuck. It's true. And it hurts.
I was feeling quite shocked at how quickly I can do "bad" when I'm not walking as close as I can to the Lord. But then, as God *always* does -- my BSF notes were EXACTLY on this!! We shouldn't be shocked at the wrong possible in us! David expressed these sentiments... along with so many of His leaders. We really are full of self, ungodliness, unlove when not full of His Spirit. The more we know Grace, the deeper He shows this!! God is gracious and will slowly reveal our depravity at the level He knows we can handle. We are empty without Jesus. We are very capable of wrong, and a lot of it, no matter how long we have walked with the Lord. When we wander, we wander!
So what is all this junk going on in my heart? Well, it's just symptoms of a soul that isn't refreshed.
But life is so good - why isn't my soul refreshed!? Why can't I just list my thanks & be happy??? Because nothing refreshes like Jesus. All the *good* things in the world are not enough if I'm not being satisfied, renewed, quenched by Jesus. I am so THANKFUL for this. I'm so thankful God made me a hungry person and I am so thankful for the first day He revealed to me what I was really hungering for was HIM.
So what's the first step to being refreshed by Him? Making more room for Him. Giving Him more time. Giving Him the priority of heart He deserves.
When I'm having a hard time breaking through to refreshment and hearing from the Lord like I am right's unsettling.... I am not used to this and I DO NOT LIKE IT. This season of life is crazy! Brandon isn't available really at all right now. So basically, my workload has increased a LOT the past month. Of COURSE I don't have the quiet time I did before. Brandon isn't around, Raymond is home all day, I have a lot more demands with homeschooling, we don't have nap time anymore!!!! That's a lot of changes in a few months.
I can't control the majority of the workload on me. But I CAN control my technology use. So it's technology sabbatical time, for sure. It is seriously hard to let go of Facebook Instagram this time It's used for SUCH good! I LOVE the groups I was able to start to be able to connect others. I love the encouragement I can give & receive. I love the resource it is as a homeschooling mom.
But it means NOTHING compared to my relationship with Jesus.
The truth is that I don't NEED any of this encouragement/stuff when I'm plugged into Him. I don't mean that in an arrogant way - because we ARE designed to be in community and in relationship with others - but really - HE really is ALL I *need*. That relationship comes FIRST. Then, we connect with others.
When we aren't hearing from Him, when we don't feel close, when we don't see a next step of what He is asking or what is wrong ---- we need to look back at what God has asked us to do already because until we have obeyed THAT instruction, He isn't going to give another. The instruction to me was... make more time for us. I haven't obeyed, so I haven't heard anymore instructions.
I don't understand why I'm a person that NEEDS more space with Jesus than others do. I don't know why He made me so fragile in mind & so sensitive. I don't know why He made me to have to take these sabbaticals. I don't understand why I am such a deep thinker and think SO MUCH. I don't know why it's so easy for me to get sucked into technology and why it's so hard for me to hear Him when I do. Others can manage. Others can stay plugged into Him and technology. But I am me. I have to just trust that HE created me, HE knows me and HE will lead ME.
This week's rule & verse were "TRUST & OBEY". So again, this homeschooling thing is mostly about Mommy being schooled. I haven't obeyed, it's time to obey and not wander another step further!!
I seriously want HIM to be first and I miss the closeness I had with Him before this craziness of season. There's not much I can change..... but I CAN CHANGE my use of technology!!!
I know that this obedience will pay off and I will come out of this sabbatical in such a better place...... because HE refreshes my heart, HE restores my soul, HE renews my mind and HE rejuvenates my strength.
HE is what I need more of. Not quotes about Him. Not pretty instagram encouragement about Him. Not articles on FBook about spirituality or religion. Not even scripture posted on my timeline. JESUS!! HIM. I have access to HIM!!! to just be with HIM!!! and HE, the KING who is ALIVE!! ---- HE is what I need!
(Daddy.Raymond.Evelyn.Annabelle.Mommy) Our Homeschooling Journey and Life as a Family
Sunday, September 28, 2014
Saturday, September 20, 2014
Week # 4 Recap
This week was pretty "messy" as far as home life goes but the actual homeschooling part of our lives went well! We had lots of interruptions this week, some good & some bad, but one positive is that we are learning to just go with the flow of things we can't control. There's so much flexibility in our homeschooling schedule and I'm so thankful for that!
Rule # 4 - Be good listeners, do not interrupt.
Verse - Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak & slow to become angry James 1:19
We cut up pieces of paper - a different color for each of us - and when somebody was not quick to listen or he/she was too quick to anger or too quick to speak - then that person had to take out their color paper & write down which part of the verse they needed help on.
Mommy's color was taken out more than anybody's :( It was a rough week for me mentally. I am not sure why my mind/attitude were off. Overstimulated? Overwhelmed because of how cranky they were? Daddy Brandon has been basically non existent because of his school/work load. Or maybe it really is a personal thing going on with me..... I think I've let some things slip into my diet that shouldn't be there. When I felt so great over the summer and had such relief from symptoms, I drastically changed my diet and I'm thinking there is a very strong link between my diet & mind/mood swings. I feel some of my old symptoms returning and it causes me anxiety. May be time for a detox/fast.
Another reason this week was a bit rough was because we were all sick! Our first colds in a long time. This girl was a major bridezilla for the first half of the week:
And I KNOW my kiddos don't feel good when they look like this during the day:
And the house cleaning & meal planning were basically non existent - ah! This was our dinner scene one night. Rocking on the front porch with a piece of pizza.
But the end of the week, things had turned!! We were back to snuggles:
And we took assessments in each subject and RR did excellent on all of them. So that was one encouraging glimmer of the week! I LOVE this Christianity Liberty Press CLASS Lesson Planner. It has seriously made any planning so easy. The curriculum is already planned out which makes it so easy anyway....but I basically write out in pencil what we are going to do each week by subject & day and then what we ACTUALLY do I write in pen over it. So then it helps with review, too. We have accomplished all I wanted to each week.... so far.... which I wasn't expecting. I count that as a miracle.
For some end of the week fun we did experiments with baking soda/vinegar & sugar/water to discuss dissolve/mix/chemical compound changes. I allowed this mess and I didn't even get upset at how messy it was!! :) We made nasty oobleck (I think it's called) - cornstarch & water - to talk about non-newtonian fluids/solids/liquids/gas :) RR loves science.
The girls have stopped asking to watch shows during school time so that's a great sign!! They are starting to understand the rhythm of the day and what they can do for desk work.
Evelyn has shown awesome improvement in scissor skills which is cool.
Just wanted to take a picture of how messy our desk looks most afternoons. I didn't even have the energy to fix it back. I can't stand a cluttered desk but.....whatever!!
And Friday afternoon adventures are quickly becoming a favorite part of homeschooling!! :) We went to the library and picked out another 25 books! (Reminder to self bring a bag next time you go to carry books home in) and enjoyed some treats downtown.
Mommy was quick to anger, quick to speak (words I didn't want to) and quite inconsiderate/interrupting this week and that is very discouraging. I really do not take lightly my sin and I fervently pray for God to help me be a good testimony to my children.
I really really do see every day that the Lord is the one who teaches my children. He orchestrates situations to teach them. He plans out their devotionals & Bible studies & school lessons perfectly for His purposes. It really is quite mind blowing, really. He is involved in every detail whether we feel it, see it, or not. The work of parenting His children is all HIS work, I am simply a tool He uses to fine tune & carve out the details of His masterpiece.
He asks ME to simply:
1) pray for my children constantly
2) do whatever I can to cause interactions between His heart & theirs (consistent reading of the Bible & devotionals with them.... praying with them.... talking about Him a lot.....looking for His heart every where in our day - nature, art, beauty, work, music, others)
and perhaps most importantly? 3) do not tarnish His work with my witness! They will follow my example more than my words.
I want them to know that we have the power to change and that He WILL change us. They know that I fervently love Jesus and so, I am their primary example of how people who love Jesus live....and I don't take that lightly.
I pray to be a shining example to them of living in His GRACE & MERCY that completely wipes away our sins.....but also living with a HUNGER for RIGHTEOUSNESS.
One thing I know I do right is repent, feel remorse, say I'm sorry, ask forgiveness and then pray a lot and ask God to help me. The kids see me praying with tears for God to help me on hard days and I know this witness is important.... as painful as it is to let them watch me struggle.
During one particularly ugly yell this week - I put them in the car and went back inside to turn my heart. When I got back to the car I was so upset & teary eyed and RR says, "it's okay Mommy. we love you".... Evelyn pipes in "we forgive you. we love you. mommy! mommy!" and Annabelle, "you will say you are sorry to us" :) Their hearts were so sweet. So gracious & ready to forgive. I am so thankful for that. Praise be to our Lord! I am so very imperfect but because He is perfect and He is El Shaddai and the Almighty and He can do ANYTHING!! and use anybody!!! :)
Saturday, September 13, 2014
Week # 3 Highlights
Songs of the week: "You're an Overcomer" - Mandisa & "These Simple Words" - Sidewalk Prophets
Verse: "Be strong in the Lord & His Mighty Power" Eph 6:10
DREAM Academy Rule # 3: Don't Give Up, Try Try Again.
Be strong in the LORD (not self). Be humble enough to ask Him for help all the time! And try try again! I am pretty sure these rules, songs & verses are for Mommy more than anybody. Each week exactly what I need to work on is exactly the rule & verse I needed to help me!!! I wrote out these rules months ago, I can see how God directed all of that :) He is so amazing!!
One of my favorite things about homeschooling is the extra free time to just be together and bond more. I don't mean that we are all happiness & rainbows when I say that we bond. Sometimes bonding looks ugly and it's more sharpening than it is snuggling. In fact, I had a bad attitude many hours this week and was struggling to get my mind right. I don't know what my problem was, I just wasn't feeling "filled" or "joyful"....but that happens. We pushed through, *together*. :)
School work at the desk really only takes about 2 or 3 hours at the most per day (and not all at one time) so we have lots of learning time just learning as we live. I feel like I've really been gifted back time with Raymond like we used to have when it was just me & him. But now, it's better than ever because I've grown and appreciate it so much more - even just the chance to run errands together. What used to be a hassle now feels like a great gift. And now, unlike before, we have 2 little girls to include in our circle. It's a beautiful gift to be together. I especially love just being OUTside together and I love our stroller walks. I will cry when the girls no longer fit in the stroller...and I love that Annabelle still falls asleep sometimes!
In victory news - Annabelle finally lost her paci and *I* found it first! Every time she has lost it before, she has done fine without it but then she finds it and of course takes it back! But now that *I* found it first, it can stay "lost" and we can be done with paci's yay!!! :) She doesn't ask for it and has accepted it's "lost". I hope I'm not doing damage but not giving her closure. ;)
Here they are just taking a break checking out the clouds. Love these looks on their faces!! :)
One question we have NOT been asked yet is, "how do you socialize?" haha. I am guessing that people a) know it's a ridiculous question or b) know that I am Randi Jo, so my kids are gonna be socialized :) We socialize by being in the world every day, creating events for the moms groups (park playdates would be my choice if they aren't rained out!), having friends that are ALL ages & inviting friends into our home. I would love to have friends more often but with Brandon's crazy work/school schedule our goal is just to have one night a month that we invite friends over for dinner. So we satisfied September's goal :) I tried to get a picture of Raymond & Elijah but they are always on the go.
I love the moments when I call out "break time" and they actually stay together & just work on something together or next to each other. These are little everyday miracles I don't take for granted. I can't create or plan these moments!! They are a gift and I just receive them whenever they come! These moments where everybody is actually just quiet, happy and there's no screaming or fighting, I LOVE those moments!!
The girls are doing much better this week understanding the rhythm of the day and that sometimes I have to give full attention to Raymond but I *will* get special time with them eventually! We have a good balance of everybody getting time with each other. The girls playing together & doing girls things. Raymond & Annabelle being silly while I work with Evelyn. And then rambunctious Raymond bringing out Evelyn's silly side while I read with Annabelle. One of my prayers was to get all those combinations in per day - awesome answer to prayer!! :)
The girls don't use the word "bored" but Raymond does. They may not use the word but they do understand that being "bored" is allowed but complaining about it is not allowed. There's no mumbling/being negative about there being "nothing to do" because we have an entire house full of things to do!... including dusting & picking up toys & vacuuming. I have lots of grace when the girls start getting whiny and "bored" acting... they just need direction then and I'm happy to give it! I used to just turn on the TV but I am no longer that Mommy!! :) Now we don't turn on any TV until late afternoons/evenings - so they just have to find something to do when I'm busy with Raymond or whatever I'm doing. I give them a few ideas but often they reject those and just create their own game. Sometimes, I can tell they really just need some Mommy direct attention so we take a break from what we are doing and get some snuggles/reading in. We can't be legalistic & harsh with our kiddos! Every situation is so different and we have to be flexible and use discernment as to what they need and what is best at *that* moment. Not sure what this game was, but it was cute:
On Tuesday, we had our first neighborhood book club for our 4 homeschooling families in our little subdvision! :) Evelyn drew an illustration from her book and Raymond drew a picture and wrote a little "report" on the book. The goals of book club for this week were simple: Raymond should show his book and read his report outloud nice and clear, Evelyn should hold up her book and not cry, and Annabelle should say her name and the name of her book. We accomplished it! :) Evelyn didn't cry! This was a huge feat for us!! <3 What a tender heart she is.
Wednesday was the start of Bible Study Fellowship and the girls were ECSTATIC!! They LOVE "Bible school" and woke up ready to put on their dresses and go! This is such great, special time for them and I love what they learn there and how they are loved on there. Raymond will normally be having Daddy special time during BSF but this week B had a meeting so RR got to go to a friend's.
Thank you God for answering my prayers about learning more science this week because we got to learn about crawfish. We found them on the road, they had washed up from the creek behind our houses and got stuck when the water receded...and our tadpole got back legs (sorry out of focus).
They played with that rice for quite a while afterward just feeling it, making shapes and being silly. It wasn't TOO TOO messy afterward :)
Verse: "Be strong in the Lord & His Mighty Power" Eph 6:10
DREAM Academy Rule # 3: Don't Give Up, Try Try Again.
Be strong in the LORD (not self). Be humble enough to ask Him for help all the time! And try try again! I am pretty sure these rules, songs & verses are for Mommy more than anybody. Each week exactly what I need to work on is exactly the rule & verse I needed to help me!!! I wrote out these rules months ago, I can see how God directed all of that :) He is so amazing!!
One of my favorite things about homeschooling is the extra free time to just be together and bond more. I don't mean that we are all happiness & rainbows when I say that we bond. Sometimes bonding looks ugly and it's more sharpening than it is snuggling. In fact, I had a bad attitude many hours this week and was struggling to get my mind right. I don't know what my problem was, I just wasn't feeling "filled" or "joyful"....but that happens. We pushed through, *together*. :)
School work at the desk really only takes about 2 or 3 hours at the most per day (and not all at one time) so we have lots of learning time just learning as we live. I feel like I've really been gifted back time with Raymond like we used to have when it was just me & him. But now, it's better than ever because I've grown and appreciate it so much more - even just the chance to run errands together. What used to be a hassle now feels like a great gift. And now, unlike before, we have 2 little girls to include in our circle. It's a beautiful gift to be together. I especially love just being OUTside together and I love our stroller walks. I will cry when the girls no longer fit in the stroller...and I love that Annabelle still falls asleep sometimes!
In victory news - Annabelle finally lost her paci and *I* found it first! Every time she has lost it before, she has done fine without it but then she finds it and of course takes it back! But now that *I* found it first, it can stay "lost" and we can be done with paci's yay!!! :) She doesn't ask for it and has accepted it's "lost". I hope I'm not doing damage but not giving her closure. ;)
Here they are just taking a break checking out the clouds. Love these looks on their faces!! :)
One question we have NOT been asked yet is, "how do you socialize?" haha. I am guessing that people a) know it's a ridiculous question or b) know that I am Randi Jo, so my kids are gonna be socialized :) We socialize by being in the world every day, creating events for the moms groups (park playdates would be my choice if they aren't rained out!), having friends that are ALL ages & inviting friends into our home. I would love to have friends more often but with Brandon's crazy work/school schedule our goal is just to have one night a month that we invite friends over for dinner. So we satisfied September's goal :) I tried to get a picture of Raymond & Elijah but they are always on the go.
I love the moments when I call out "break time" and they actually stay together & just work on something together or next to each other. These are little everyday miracles I don't take for granted. I can't create or plan these moments!! They are a gift and I just receive them whenever they come! These moments where everybody is actually just quiet, happy and there's no screaming or fighting, I LOVE those moments!!
Monday, we have cubscouts and we are looking forward to getting more out of it this year since we have more time to devote to it. Good sister Evelyn always stands by Raymond and looks up to him so much. Someday he will realize how much she adores him and how many countless hours she has sat at his activities and cheering him on. :)
The girls are doing much better this week understanding the rhythm of the day and that sometimes I have to give full attention to Raymond but I *will* get special time with them eventually! We have a good balance of everybody getting time with each other. The girls playing together & doing girls things. Raymond & Annabelle being silly while I work with Evelyn. And then rambunctious Raymond bringing out Evelyn's silly side while I read with Annabelle. One of my prayers was to get all those combinations in per day - awesome answer to prayer!! :)
One of the best activities for early readers are these word sticks. My friend Celeste made them for us. They are amazing! 3 letter words for sight word recognition but they are really helping Evelyn with letter sounds. They are so great! So thankful I have creative friends because I am just NOT a pinterest, creative Mommy!
On Tuesday, we had our first neighborhood book club for our 4 homeschooling families in our little subdvision! :) Evelyn drew an illustration from her book and Raymond drew a picture and wrote a little "report" on the book. The goals of book club for this week were simple: Raymond should show his book and read his report outloud nice and clear, Evelyn should hold up her book and not cry, and Annabelle should say her name and the name of her book. We accomplished it! :) Evelyn didn't cry! This was a huge feat for us!! <3 What a tender heart she is.
Thank you God for answering my prayers about learning more science this week because we got to learn about crawfish. We found them on the road, they had washed up from the creek behind our houses and got stuck when the water receded...and our tadpole got back legs (sorry out of focus).
We also learned about the differences between dissolve, mix & chemical/compound change in our science book. And did an experiment with rice/food coloring to learn more about that.
They played with that rice for quite a while afterward just feeling it, making shapes and being silly. It wasn't TOO TOO messy afterward :)
A few last highlights I didn't get pictures of:
- RR is doing so great in math. Got a 98 on his first "test" even with a new nasty head cold that appeared this week.
- Every other week I am going to have RR run a mile with me and see how he progresses throughout the year. Our first run this week he got 11:59 with running/walking. I'd say that is pretty awesome for an 8 year old!!!
- And perhaps my favorite memory of the week was when we talked about composers. I love opening the kiddos up to art/beauty. We chose Tchaikovsky and we learned about him as a man through that book from Roxie. Then I found some of his work on Youtube videos and I asked them to close their eyes and tell me what they are thinking/feeling from the songs. It was ADORABLE!! Tchaikovsky was a very emotional/sensitive man and composer and his music is all very emotional. In the 1812 Overture Evelyn just kept saying, "I am very sad. This is very sad" and then at the climax Raymond says, "it's a war! They just won a war!" --- I think Tchaikovsky would have been proud since that is what he wanted to convey. They LOVED that he wrote Sleeping Beauty and we enjoyed listening to that. Finally, we watched a big of Swan Lake & The Nutcracker and the girls were captivated. I think their dreams of becoming ballerinas ballooned through the roof.
It was another great week and we are so THANKFUL. We are getting down our rhythm and learning valuable lessons about using WORDS not anger, screaming or tears (all 4 of us are getting better at this). I am real proud of the way Raymond has worked hard to choose to have a good attitude and push through many frustrating moments. Try, try again! I see progress!!
Friday, September 5, 2014
Week # 2
I am so very thankful for all the time I had to prepare myself mentally for homeschooling and get a whole new mindset/paradigm for our days & learning & schooling. God gave me 6 months because He knows me so well. He knew I would want the time to prepare my heart, mind & lesson plans :) I am so thankful for the 6 months of faith & courage infused into me through lots of encouragement & wisdom from new homeschoolers, veteran homeschoolers, non homeschooling loved ones, and some totally awesome books. The Joy of Relationship Homeschooling: Bringing the One Anothers Home - by Karen Campbell was probably the most impactful to get my mind wrapped around what is most important - the relationships & the heart. Closer relationships was a major "why" for me when I think about why I homeschool.
When asked, "why did you decide to homeschool?" My answer differs depending on who I am talking to and the day (?) haha. I have an entire list of why it makes sense for us and I have a list of good reasons - some logical, some mommy instinct, some spiritual. But basically, we homeschool because we were called to. God will show us deeper each year exactly why He asked. The list just gets longer and longer. Yes, I believe I will homeschool for a long time.
Because I've had so long to prepare and talk about this journey with others, it seems natural and easy most times to answer school questions with, "we homeschool" and talk about it with whomever. But I still get real enjoyment having a laugh with God when I have those moments when I answer, "we homeschool" and then I think "wait, what? homeschool? my kid doesn't go to school anymore? weird" :) I chuckle when that moment comes because it lasts so shortly, and then I regain focus & remember. Yes, this is a great thing, we homeschool. I haven't had any panic attack moments and I have no regrets at all. I haven't had a moment yet when I thought, "this is way too hard. we can't do this" - because I know it's not about me and what I think I can do. I have had moments already where I think, "this is not easy, God I need you big time".
Like I wrote about before, a lesson I am SO THANKFUL God has been working out in me is to keep my focus on the Lord and not to compare with others or try to get validation from others. Although I struggled with this forever and in many areas STILL struggle hard - in homeschooling, I just don't. I am very sure of the calling He gave me. If my focus ever does shift to what others must think of us for homeschooling or if I try to see myself from other's perspectives and wonder what they must think --- right away all of my insecurities come to the forefront of my mind and then come the lies and fears. But, I've grow, thank you God! I can very quickly now just turn my focus back to Him & those nasty lies go away as quickly as they pop up! I am very aware of my imperfections and very aware that God chooses the weak for His purposes. He can use ANYBODY and can do ANYTHING!!! :) I am thankful that He has helped me keep my eyes locked on Him and finding my security & affirmation in His gentle hand that leads us.
What we are up to:
For our heart / mindset work this week we moved from Rule # 1 (Always Do Your Best) to Rule # 2 (Be Okay With Mistakes). We have been focusing on how God loves us. no.matter.what!! It's based on HIM not based on US!!! And so - mistakes are okay. His grace does cover us. YES we try our best....and THEN we accept grace for mistakes.
I have learned a lot this week. The children are great teachers. :)
The girls came downstairs and said, "Mommy we are ready for school" :) I let Raymond do pajamas last week but I am finding that math really does require all of his concentration and alertness. It's what we do first after our circle & Bible time so he has to put on clothes & get moving now before we start. The girls can wear whatever :)
The "Daddy song" aka Lecrae Song is another great one, "All I Need Is You" and we know it's true. :) High or low, thick or thin. All I need is you! We are practicing that a lot and praying for God's help when we are feeling stumped, low, frustrated.
Evelyn is simply still working on writing, letter sounds and scissor skills. When she's had enough - I let her go play with Annabelle :) I really am not pushing her. We read like crazy and most of her learning time is away from the table.
Annabelle spends a lot of time snuggling on my lap :) and then stealing my phone and taking selfies:
When she isn't taking selfies, she sits at my feet and colors, does stickers, puzzles, white board drawings, and a multitude of busy book, games, manipulatives, whatever I can get my hands on she will try!! :)
On to Raymond Rooks!
He is so very smart and I rarely see him flinch or struggle with anything but we came across our first obstacle while we did Math. On the front page it was all problems with multiple addendum or multiple steps. He really had no confidence and struggled with keeping track of where he was. He is JUST LIKE ME! He needs the visual & kinetic and looking at just boring old numbers (no I would never say that to him) is hard! I get it! It's soo hard to look at a sheet of numbers. They all look way too similiar. Can we go back and make numbers prettier? Color coded?
BUT I noticed on the back page - the problems were listed like these pictures below instead. And he flew through this SO fast. He didn't have to use his fingers. He didn't have to write down any numbers to try to help him remember. He just did it. Wow. What a difference!
So, I guess I have to try to help him visualize numbers even if they are just boring old numbers. But more than that, I think the confidence will come when he has the memorization of the facts down. So we deviated from Abeka to give his swirling mind a break (yay I was so proud of myself for my first deviation of millions hehe) and I let him make his own flash cards and he is drilling himself on all the common sums under 20. We will get these facts down. I am sure he knew these last year (???) and forgot over summer (???). It will help his confidence so much and will help all the jumble brain. In this case, knowledge truly is power & confidence :)
He also found this disgusting horrible game of snakes & ladders in a library book and so we played this and whatever number he rolled he had to add either 6,7,8 or 9 - whatever number we did that game - so he could work on multiple addendums and memorizing those facts!!! This really helped the monotony of the morning math. Thank you God for those ideas after I prayed for help when I saw his frustration!
He breezes through spelling, english, grammar & handwriting. Daddy B does most of the grammar english and handwriting - thankfully :). He journals each afternoon. Different things each day - whatever comes to my mind that day. A silly story, recap of visit with MomMom & Papa, a prayer or writing prompt. We do history just by reading books and will do the rest of the history curriculum later on as it fits with our co op starting in October.
His favorite subject is still definitely science. I have to try to inspire/encourage him more in science. It's only on our 'schedule' and curriculum for once a week or so --- but of course, science is everywhere. I have to pray for open eyes to science that interests him that we can learn about together.
Last week for science we did simple machines (we learned about ramps & lifting things and scales and weighing things and made our own - our creations weren't that successful lol). This week we are learning about solid, liquid, gas -- a review from last year. Today we learned more about Mommy's tea kettle & steam and how water can move from the kettle through the air back into water form when it hits a cool surface. We made it "rain"! Very cool! God is amazing the way He has created all this "magic"!!!! :) EVERYTHING around us is such a miracle!!
Then we did an experiment to prove that you CAN trap air in a jar and transfer air from one jar to another. That was super cool too.
Roxie got us this "CoreKnowledge" book - What Your 3rd Grader Needs to Know and I am pulling a lot of extras out of there. It's been great for music, art. We studied a few different artists today and talked about shading, light & shadows. Here was our first attempt at using shading in artwork. :) Joint effort.
It was a great week!! :) Just like life has always been - lots of great moments and lots of "opportunities" for correction & firm discipline & grace. Lots of hard work & lots of play/treats. :)
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