We were blown away by his scores!! I was nervous as I listened to her giving him the test - he is so smart - but did I do enough? I feel like so much of me was taken away this year.... and I offered so little quality "work". I am just so amazed when she went over the results with us. Success for us is truly less about me as a great teacher...and all about God and my prayers and just creating opportunities to learn, a little each day! Raymond is so gifted. Sniff sniff. I thought that was true - but I didn't realize tests would show it! I give all glory to God. What a hard year for me (and so good, too). But God just took care of everything. Prayers truly are the most important thing I can offer.
The best part of the day yesterday was after we got back in the car from testing, Raymond was SO excited and happy. And as we drove away he says, "now I think we should pray again Mommy this time we should thank God for how well I did". Oh my heart. Yes yes yes, Lord. I see your work in his heart. THAT moment wanting to thank you and praise you for his success -- priceless, priceless, priceles. That's what I desire more than anything is that they would honor you, know your love & thank you!!
God can do the impossible! I thought it was an impossible miracle that God could ever use ME as a homeschool mom! The success He has allowed this year and all the amazing experiences and bonding are just such a good gift - it's hard to even process. I'm just.so.thankful!!! God's plan is so so so so good. So much better than I can imagine.
To top it off Raymond became a Webelo this week.
And Evelyn!! Evelyn conquered her fear and she went up on stage for Rehearsal! After crying so hard at pictures and being SO scared and nervous - she did it! She got up there and LOVED IT! I cried like a baby as I saw her up there. I couldn't be more proud of my children. I get it. I am that mom. I'm just proud of what GOD is doing in them! I'm proud of their hearts. I'm proud when they try their best, give Him thanks and praise and when they grow / conquer fears and hard things. Oh my goodness. What a month!!!!!
God is so good.